Available courses

    Price $350      

    Accreditation:   CMMOTA 20 primary credits                           
                                NHPC   5  credits   
                                CRMTA 12 primary credits            
                                MTAA 20 primary credits 



    Learn/review complete ROM assessment for major body joints. This course is perfect preparation for the board exam. All tests and assessments are presented with a theory and full video of each test. 

    Price $350     

    Accreditation: NHPC 10 credits 

                             CRMTA 14 primary credits

                             MTAS 14 primary credits

                             CMMOTA 14 primary credits 

                             MTANS 7 primary credits 

                             MTAA 14 primary credits 

    Price $520   

    Accreditation:  NHPC 15 credits (30 hours course)

                               MTAA 30 primary credits 

                               CMMOTA 24 credits (credits only-no insurance coverage)


    Price $435   

    Accreditation:  CRMTA 14 primary credits 

                               MTAS   14 primary credits 

                               MTAA 14 primary credits 

                               CMMOTA 14 credits (credits only-no insurance coverage) 


    Price $435      

    Accreditation: CRMTA 14 primary credits 

                             MTAS    14 primary credits 

                             MTAA 14 primary credits 

                             CMMOTA 14 credits (credits only-no insurance coverage)

    Price $520   

    Accreditation: NHPC 15 credits (30 hours course) 

                             MTAA 30 primary credits 

                            CMMOTA 24 credits (credits only-no insurance coverage)

    Price $350     

    Accreditation: NHPC 10 credits 

                           CRMTA 14 primary credits

                           MTAS 14 primary credits

                           CMMOTA 14 primary credits 

                           MTANS 7 primary credits 

                           MTAA 14 primary credits 

    PNF stretching  is based on neurophysiological mechanisms of muscle contraction and stretch reflexes. This is the reason PNF is more effective than simple passive stretching. Learn Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation stretching and use it as your self-care and even better, recommend it for your clients for postural conditions, after injury, during recovery after MVA or just give it to clients who need relaxation. 

     This is a course where you will review muscle origin, insertion and action, PNF stretching, self-stretching and strengthening exercises for almost all upper body muscles. 

    Price $295      

    TOS Assessment, Treatment and Therapeutic Exercises 

    Accreditation: NHPC 10 credits, 

                             CRMTA 15 primary credits, 

                              MTAS  14 primary credits. 

                              CMMOTA 11 credits,

                              MTAA 14 primary credits

                              MTANS 7 primary credits

                              MTAM 14 core credits.